Department of Social Science
Q.1. Give two
examples of different types of global exchanges which took place before the
century, choosing one example from Asia and one from the Americas.
Ans. Asia: Caravans carried
items such as precious stones and metals, gold, ivory, and glass to
China until around the fifth
century C.E. From China, the Parthians and other merchants carried
Silk, furs, ceramics, jade,
bronze objects, lacquer and iron. Silk was mostly demanded in Rome.
America: In the sixteenth
century, precious metals like silver from the mines of Peru and
Mexico were taken
to Europe. This in turn financed European trade with Asia.
Q.2. Explain how
the global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the
Colonisation of
the Americas.
Ans. A virus called
small pox, which was brought from Europe to the America, decimated much of
the native communities around the
mid-sixteenth century. The original inhabitants had no
Immunity against such diseases
and they were unable to resist the coloniser’s superior
Q.3. What
happened when British government decided to abolish the Corn Laws?
Ans. The immediate
effect of the British government’s decision to abolish the Corn Laws was the
Inflow of cheaper agricultural
crops from America and Australia. Many English farmers left
Their profession and migrated to
towns and cities. Some went overseas. This indirectly led to
agriculture and rapid urbanisation, a prerequisite of industrial growth.
Q.4. Describe in
a few words how Rinderpest affected Africa.
Ans. Rinderpest was a
cattle epidemic that came to Africa with the infected the meat imported from
British Asia to feed the Italian
soldiers invading Eritrea in East Africa. It killed more than 90
per cent of the livestock’s in
Africa, making them dependent on Europeans for food and turned
Q.5. How did the
death of men of working age in Europe during the World War affect
Ans. Most of the
victims of world war belonged to young generations of working men. As a result,
it reduced the workforce in
Europe, thereby reducing household income. The role of women
Increased and led to demand for
more equality of status. It made the feminist movement
Stronger. Women started working
alongside men in every field. Women and youngsters became
More independent
and free with long-term effects.
Q.6. How did the
Great Depression affect agriculture in India?
Ans. The impact of
the Great Depression in India was felt especially in the agricultural sector.
Was evident that Indian economy
was closely becoming integrated to global economy. India
was a British colony and exported
agricultural goods and imported manufactured goods. The
fall in agricultural price led to
reduction of farmers’ income and agricultural export. The
Government did not decrease their
tax and so, many farmers and landlords became more
Indebted to
moneylenders and corrupt officials. It led to a great rural unrest in India.
Q.7. Explain the
three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange.
Find one example
of each type of flow which involved India and Indians, and write a
short account of
Ans. Economy of the
nineteenth century are identified into three types or flows by the economist.
They are based on the international
exchange of goods and capital. They are:
(i) Trade flow
of goods,
e.g. cloth or wheat, in which goods are exchanged at long and short
Distances. Indians traded with
the rest of the world as early as the Indus Valley
Civilisation. For example, Indus people
had trade relations with Mesopotamia.
(ii) Labour flow,
e.g. the migration of people for employment, in which industrial countries
Actively create conditions
favourable for employment and services. Many Indian labourers
Worked in plantations at South
America and other colonies.
(iii) Movement
of capital
for short-term or long-term investment. In this, movement of
Resources from one country to
another takes place through loans or business investments.
The British transferred a lot of
capital from India to England before independence.
All three are
closely associated and affected the lives of people in the nineteenth century.
Q.8. Give two
examples from history to show the impact of technology on food availability.
Ans. The nineteenth century witnessed a
high rate of growth in industrial and agricultural products.
(i) The
technological development was accelerated by the industrial growth and
World trade. Colonies also
provided the resources and markets which sustained the
Industrial growth. Thus, railways
were needed to link agricultural regions to the ports from
Where the goods were transported,
thereby increasing food availability to more
(ii) Shipbuilding
also became an important industry and countries competed to control trade
Routes on seas. Technology helped
in the larger social, political and economic factors. For
Example, steamships and railways
helped in carrying large volume of trading materials
Between long and
inaccessible distance.
Q.9. Explain the
causes of the Great Depression.
Ans. The Great
Depression was caused by several factors:
(i) Prosperity in
the USA during the 1920s created a cycle of higher employment and
Incomes. It led to rise in
consumption and demands. More investment and more
Employment created tendencies of
speculations which led to the Great Depression of 1929
upto the mid-1930s.
(ii) Stock market
crashed in 1929. It created panic among investors and depositors who
Stopped investing and depositing.
As a result, it created a cycle of depreciation.
(iii) Failure of the
banks. Some of the banks closed down when people withdrew all their
Assets, leaving them unable to
invest. Some banks called back loans taken from them at
the same dollar rate in spite of
the falling value of dollar. It was worsened by British
Change in policy
to value pound at the pre-war value.
Q.10. Explain
what is referred to as the G-77 countries? In what ways can G-77 be seen as a
Reaction to the
activities of the Bretton Woods twins?
Ans. The IMF and the
World Bank or the Bretton Woods twins served in the reconstruction of these
Nations. In the process, large
corporations of powerful nations like the USA often managed to
Secure economic and other
extra-territorial rights over weaker nations.
The economic advances made by the
West and Japan in the 1950s and 1960s did not benefit
most of the developing countries.
As a reaction to the activities
of the Bretton Woods twins, they organised themselves into a
Group known as the Group of 77 or
G-77 in order to demand a new international economic
order (NIEO). The NIEO stood for
a system that would give these nations real control over
Their natural resources, more
development assistance, fairer prices for raw materials, and better
Access for
manufactured goods in their markets.
Q.11. Discuss
why the MNCs in recent years have tried to relocate production to Asian
Ans. US business
expanded worldwide through the MNCs. In recent years, they have tried to
Relocate production to Asian
countries for the following reasons:
(i) Partly to
locate their manufacturing operations and become domestic producers to avoid
High tariff rates imposed by
different countries.
(ii) It is also
because Asian countries are attractive destinations for investment, trying to
Capture world markets with its
large population and globalisation.
(iii) The economic
transformation of countries like India, China and Brazil also stimulated
trade and capital flows.
Q.12. How was
the USA able to recover from the post–World War Economic crisis?
Ans. The USA was able
to recover from the post-war crisis at a great speed. Its economy resumed
its strong growth in the early
1920s. An important factor was the introduction of mass
Production. Henry Ford,
owner of the Ford Company, was the first man to start using a new
System of production, known as
the assembly line production. Others included large foreign
Investment and
war-time loan as well as agricultural exports.
Q.13. Describe
how the Great Depression spread from USA to other countries of the world.
Ans. American crisis
affected other countries in Europe and elsewhere by virtue of their being
Dependent on her overseas capital
investment and loans. Then, their own internal weaknesses
Made the conditions worse. Many
factors were responsible including lack of confidence and
Panic among the investors.
Britain also decided to return to the gold standard ratio of US dollar
4.86 to 1 pound
sterling which was the pre-World War I level.
Q.14. What is
Group-77? Why did Group 77 countries demand a New International Economic
Order? Explain.
Ans. The IMF and the
World Bank or the Bretton Woods twins served in the reconstruction of these
Nations. In the process, large
corporations of powerful nations like the USA often managed to
Secure economic and other
extra-territorial rights over weaker nations.
The economic advances made by the
West and Japan in the 1950s and 1960s did not benefit
Most of the developing countries.
As a reaction to the activities
of the Bretton Woods twins, they organised themselves into a
Group known as the Group of 77 or
G-77 in order to demand a new international economic
Order (NIEO). The NIEO stood for
a system that would give these nations real control over
their natural resources, more
development assistance, fairer prices for raw materials, better
for manufactured goods in their markets.
Q.15. What were
the main reasons for the attraction of Europeans to Africa?
Ans. (i) The Europeans
were attracted to Africa due to its vast resources of land and minerals.
(ii) Europeans came
to Africa to establish plantation and mines to produce crops and minerals
for export to Europe.
(iii) The Europeans
conquered African and carved up the continent among themselves and
Became colonial
Q.16. what was
the impact of technology on food availability? Explain with the help of
Ans. Technological
advances like faster railways, lighter wagons and larger ships
helped more food,
More cheaply and quickly from
faraway farms to final markets. The trade in meat is an
Example. Refrigerated ships carried
frozen meats from America, Australia to Europe at a lower
cost and reduced the price of
meat in Europe. The poor in Europe could now eat meat. Better
conditions were promoted.
Q.17. What was
Rinderpest? How did Rinderpest change the economy of the African society?
Ans. In Africa, in
the 1880s a fast-spreading disease of cattle plague or rinderpest had a
Impact on economy of African
society. It was carried by infected cattle imported from British
Asia to feed the Italian soldiers
stationed in East Africa. It killed 90 per cent of the cattle of
Africa. The loss of cattle
destroyed African livelihoods. Planters, mine owners and colonial
Governments now monopolised
remaining cattle resources. Africans were forced into the labour market.
Control over the scarce resource of cattle enabled European colonisers to
and subdue Africa
Q.18. Write down
important causes and effects of the Second World War.
Ans. The Second World
War started in 1939 and continued up to 1945. The two warring camps
were :
(i) The Allies consisting of Britain,
France, Russia and the USA.
(ii) The Axis powers consisting
of Germany, Japan and Italy.
Causes :
Many factors caused the Second
World War. The Great Depression of 1929, failure of the
League of Nations, rise of
dictatorship in Germany and Italy under the Nazis and
Mussolini respectively were some
of the important causes.
Effects :
(i) About 3 per cent of the world’s
population perished.
(ii) Two crucial developments
shaped the post-war scenario. They were:
(a) The emergence of USA and the
USSR as superpowers.
At least 6 Million people
died, millions more were injured. Most of the deaths took
Place outside the battlefields.
More civilians than fighting soldiers died. Vast parts
of Europe and Asia were
devastated and several cities destroyed by aerial
Bombings. It caused enormous
economic devastation and social disruption.
Reconstruction was long and
(b) The establishment of
international organisations like the UNO and others to maintain
and stability.
Q.19. Discuss
some important features of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Ans. Role: The IMF
was to deal with external surpluses and deficits of its member nations. The
World Bank was an international
bank for reconstruction and development aimed to finance
the post-war reconstruction.
The IMF and the World
Bank commenced financial operations in 1947.
(i) The western powers and
especially the USA controlled the decision-making provisions
such as the right to veto.
(ii) The international monetary
system was to link national currencies and monetary system.
(iii) The Bretton Woods system
was based on a fixed exchange rate whereby national
Currencies were pegged to the
American dollar at a fixed rate. The dollar was anchored
gold at a fixed price of $35 per ounce of gold.
Q.20. Why was
the Nineteenth Century Indenture described as a ‘New System of Slavery’?
Ans. In the 19th
century, hundreds of thousands of Indian and Chinese labourers went to work on
Plantations, in mines and in road
and railway construction projects around the world. In India,
Indentured labourers were hired
under contracts which promised return travel to India after five
Years of work. Recruitment
was done by agents engaged by employers. Many migrants agreed
to take up work, hoping to escape
poverty or oppression in their home villages. Agents gave
Them false information about
final destinations, modes of travel or nature of the work and
Living and
working conditions.
Often the migrants were not even told that they would have to
Make a long sea voyage. Sometimes
agents even forcibly abducted less willing migrants.
On arrival at the plantations,
labourers found conditions to be very different from what they
Were told. Living and working
conditions were harsh, they had few legal rights. It was indeed a new system of
slavery which was condemned by Indian nationalist leaders in 1900 as abusive
and cruel.
Finally Indentured Labour was abolished in 1921.
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